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You can observe in order the step my colleague and I took to arrive to our final decision, shorts explanations will be following those screenshots. To finish with, the final version will be visible at the end.

P I C T U R E : We first started by choosing the picture which we would for our cover, we decided upon using a B&W picture because we personally thought it is more intriguing than an colored picture.We also wanted a picture where the model was looking straight into the camera so we also decided on this picture because the contrast between the hair and the white sweater brings the attention to the eyes.

M A S T H E A D : We started by thinking on the color that would fit better the picture chosen, we decided upon white because we found it more minimalist and more towards what we were hoping, we chose the position to be on the top left corner for the contrast as it is white on black. The small size of the masthead is for the attention to go to the picture of the cover and not the masthead.

W R I T I N G : The headlines is missing on purpose because we thought it was not minimal enough and too big so we preferred not to put headlines or sub-heading because we did not wanted to be commercial, we thought it would be more intriguing. On the other hand, we still decided on using the byline because it was an important element for us.

B A R C O D E : We tried on putting the barcode on the cover but it did not convince us so we decided on not putting it because we personally thought it was an extra element. 

Most of our magazine references do not have the barcodes on their covers too.

F I N AL  V E R S I O N  O F  T H E  C O V E R :

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