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P R O T A G O N I S T :


N A M E :

Esther V.D.

A G E : 17 years old

Esther is from Belgium, I chose her for her feminine look which I personally thought was necessary for the music video because of the lyrics that say what If I were a boy so I wanted to present her playing both roles with the same look. With her looking the same with almost all the actions she takes I will be able to make confusion on what is right for a man to do or not and the same with woman.

L O C A T I O N : I filmed in the model's house in Belgium but I found it irrelevant to take pictures as most of the video is close-ups of her and on a plain background. There will be some relevant domestic location such as the kitchen and the bedroom because of the relation with the visuals and the lyrics, but still will keep it minimal. Those will also be relevant location because the cliché of women is basically that she should stay in the kitchen and should be good in bed.

P R O P S :



grey sweater

grey sweater





leather jacket

leather jacket

D r e s s 
S w e a t e r s
H o o d i e 
L e a t h e r   J a c k e t
T u r t l e   N e c k
The dress are for the shots were "the mother" is represented. I am using a strict grey dress that is formal
The turtle neck is used to represent the "nun" in the music video. I am using this type of clothing for those shots because it covers also her neck so makes her look more reserved
The black hoodie is used for a more masculine look


Capture d’écran 2018-02-27 à 15.12.47_edited

Capture d’écran 2018-02-27 à 15.12.47_edited





P o n y t a i l
D a r k e r   e y e s h a d o w 
T r e n d y   T e e n   H a i r s t y l e
E y e l i n e r
I decided on using a low ponytail as a hair style to represent the "nun" because it also covers her neck
The darker eyeshadows is used for "the mother" and "the prostitue" characters has they are older or has to wear makeup for their jobs 
During most of the music video, the character is wearing a minimal makeup which consists of just a line of eyeliner. I decided on this because I wanted something feminine but discrete
E g g
P u p p e t
P o m e g r a n a t e
A p p l e
C i g a r e t t e s










Food in the music video are to represents life. The way they are being destroyed or eaten in the music video is to show how someone can "destroy" your life
I'm using this specific type of puppet to show manipulation and one that representing Pinocchio because he is a lier 
At a certain point in the song, the singer talks about someone independence and long term investment. Smoking is a bad habit and hard to stop so I thought it would be perfect to represent that idea 

F O N T S : 

American Typewriter : typewriter font to insinuate that a person is addressing herself to someone else, I will use it at the beginning of the song. 

© 2017-2018 by Elisa Jonckhheere.  Created with

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