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For my website, I want something simple but girly as my artist is represented with that style in her latest music video and album cover which more towards pink and purple colors.

I will use elements that are present in the music video and digipak such as the pomegranate, apple and egg which are the key elements of the branding that I want to create. I will use wixsite because it offers a large of templates of different categories that are adaptable to a music website conventions.

E L E M E N T S  T H A T  I  W I L L   I N C L U D E :

P i c t u r e s   o f   c i t i e s

P o m e g r a n a t e

A p p l e

E g g

P i c t u r e s   o f   t h e   p r o t a g o n i s t 


Monoton : Modern imposing font for announcement




Futura light : minimal font for every general text on the website 





Playfair display : font for important information but not important enough for it to be MONOTON font





© 2017-2018 by Elisa Jonckhheere.  Created with

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