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C O V E R :

For the cover, we would like to use a portrait picture, where our model looks straight in the camera to make our audience feel an amount and mixture of emotions. 


As our magazine genre is towards artistic fashion (nude mag) and not commercial fashion (vogue), we would like as minimalist as artistic fashion magazine focusing more on photography by using maybe a headline but without any skylines, captions or "pull-out" quotes.


The cover will also contain the byline/photographer, the issue number and the masthead. Those three elements will be present in every issues.

T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S :

The table of content will be constituted of articles & editorials. The articles and editorials will be represented with a picture for each one of them because we really want to enhance the photographic aspect of the magazine, the pictures will be accompanied by the titles of the articles/editorials and their page number.

C O N T E N T S :

Nudity & Perspective : The concept of this content is explained here.

Him : The concept of this content is explained here.

  Sub Rosa:  This phrase comes from latin which "under the rose", but in English it defines secrecy or confidentiality. 

As roses are often represented in red, we would like to use pictures that we would take in the "Nudity & Perspective" shoot where the model would just a red sweater where the sweater would represented the "rose" in her secrecy.

  In Repeat: For this content, we would talk about the fashion trends & clothes that repeated themselves and the different meanings that I had at a different time. For example, fishnet and chocker used to be considered vulgar and used by certain types of people, in nowadays they are common fashion accessories used by everyone as it became a trend.

   Insights: This would be the part where we represented the social media interactions that we had with our audience.

  Complexity: We already have a clear imagine on what type of picture we would like for this content and a clear meaning behind it.

D O U B L E  S P R E A D : 

In the double spread, we will illustrate the main content of our magazine "Nudity & Perspective"  which is an article but we would only show the editorial of it. 


We are planning on using two pictures featuring the model, Vivienne Hermann. We did not decide upon the colors of the pictures (B&W or original colors).


On the right page, we were thinking of using a quote about nudity and draw shape to fill the page in artistic way.

On the left page, with the picture covering the whole page, we would like to write the name of the model and the outfit she is wearing but we would not put the photographer's names because it would be on the cover.

M A G A Z I N E ' S  F O N T S :

We made a list of fonts we would like to use in our magazine


Here is the list:

Ostrich Sans : byline, number page (ToC), writing on the double spread

Notera : Titles in the ToC

Komoda : @detailed.jf in the ToC

DIN Condensed : Number page in the double spread

Shopping Script Demo : "detailed" on the masthead

© 2017-2018 by Elisa Jonckhheere.  Created with

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